January 30, 2005

  • Here is the second dull sock at the heel-flap stage. The first dull sock is keeping it company, but you can see the incomplete sock with its heel-flap on a dpn. You work back and forth on half the needles, letting the other half rest on their sleeve needle. I’m doing slip 1, knit one across on the right side and all purl on the wrong side, which as you may be able to see creates a denser fabric for the heel. Some people add a reinforcement thread of nylon at this point, but it is also easy to replace the heel-flap if your heels get holes.

    I posted a link last week to a tutorial for turning a heel. Once you’ve done that, get it all  back onto the sleeve needle for some more relaxing knitting.


    And here is the sock back on the dpns to finish up the toe. You can leave it on the sleeve needle till the very end, but then you have to keep track of the decreases. If you divide it onto three needles — the front half on one needle and the back divided onto two needles, then you can just do your decreases at the end of the needle. Beginning at the back, you knit to the last three stitches and k2tog. K1 on the front needle, then ssk, knit to the last three and k2tog. K1 on the third needle, ssk, and knit to the end. Then you knit one row plain. Alternate these two rows till you get it as small as you want it. Turn it inside out, divide the stitches onto two needles and cast off both of them together. There, you have a sock. and I will surely have a pair today. Since they are rather large, I may let #1 son have them to go with his grunge mittens. But I may also keep them for myself.

Comments (3)

  • We always had music at home. When the first tape recorders came out my father bought one. My parents, brother and sister, and I used to spend early evenings gathered around the recorder singing all sorts of old songs that our parents taught us (I’ve Got a Luverly Bunch of Coconuts, Clementine, Maresedoatsanddoesedoatsandlillambsedivy…are three I remember).

    When I was 29 I met a woman at dancing who had never had music at home when she was a child (not even a radio) (To me that seems almost a bad as being deaf and blind) She never learned how to move in time to music. (Up until that point I had thought that all humans had an inbuilt sense of rhythm )

  • …interestin. random eprops*

  • it boggles the mind… O_O  peace.

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