May 13, 2011

  • We had a wild storm last night which left the back yard smelling of honeysuckle. 

    The honeysuckle was there before the storm, of course. We have honeysuckle and little wild dog roses growing along the fence. The scent isn’t usually as heady as all that, though. You have to get right up to next to it normally to get a sniff.

    The storm took all the trees and shook them wildly, and I guess that stirring up brought out the scent.

    It’s been a different sort of week for me. Monday I gave a final exam and then had a couple of clients in for a training.

    I like these guys a lot. They’re smart and honest and really passionate about their work (and if you have any idea how sick I am of that description, you’ll know there’s no other way to put it), and they deserve their fine new website. (I really am sick of that description. And yet, when The Computer Guy said of us to a client, “We’re passionate about the web,” I had to realize though with a jolt that it was true. Otherwise I wouldn’t think that some people deserve good websites.)

    Tuesday I worked hard to make up for the time I’d lost on Monday,  but Wednesday I had my hair cut and went to the bank and the bookstore. Yesterday I had to drive up to sign my contract and go to the dentist, and I ended up at the fabric store.

    And yet, in spite of these extra gallivantings, I stopped work each day at 5:00 and took the dogs for a walk. I started each day with 30 minutes of basic Wii Step (2900+ steps). I stopped for meals and had balanced, cooked meals, too. I did some housework and spent time with my family. I practiced music.

    True, I went back and worked again some evenings. But still, I’m doing amazingly well with the whole Systems and Schedules bit. I worked only 47 hours this week, and I have only a couple more hours to do this weekend.

    I’m living a practically normal life.
    Tomorrow I’m going to sing at a lecture on the Book of Revelation. Revelation never has made any sense to me, frankly, however hard I try.

    The Dalai Lama came to speak here this past week. #1 son and La Bella both went to hear him. Neither could really understand him, either because of his accent or the sound system, but both felt that he was saying really wonderful things, and stayed entranced through the whole thing. This is sort of how I feel about Revelation.

    Tomorrow’s speaker is an expert on the subject, so I may be able to get the gist of it this time. We’ll see.

    I’m also going to work on this year’s sewing project. I have a couple of weeks off between spring term and summer term, and in the summer I teach five days a week. This is not so much a big deal in terms of the work involved, but it is a big deal to dress like a grown up five days a week, so I try to prepare a bit between the terms. The first year that I did it I bought clothes. Last year I started a SWAP and managed one jacket, four tops, and a skirt — half a SWAP, in other words. This year I intend just to sew as many different tops as possible. I have some jackets and pants left, even if they are a bit worn by now, so I figure that new blouses will see me through.

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