September 27, 2009

  • Yesterday was a lovely day. I wrote a website and fielded some correspondence, but otherwise had a domestic day.

    I bought a size 13 circular needle, since really big dpns were not to be had at the big box craft store and the LYS is down in the thick of the biker festival.I had actually planned to go down there with my husband when he got back from work, but int he event, he went by himself and I had the house to myself.

    So, having gotten the giant knitting needle, I went on to the grocery with a power cooking grocery list from Self magazine, and came home and cooked all the stuff. I'm pretty confident that my menfolks won't eat Chickpea and Vegetable Ragout with Whole Wheat Penne, but I have some in the freezer for more enlightened guests, and I also have shepherd's pie with sweet potatoes and Adobo-glazed Mini Turkey Loaves, which are quite good. I lost steam before I got to the Enchilada Bake, but I made the sauce and I intend to put it together today. You can click on the link at the beginning of the paragraph for the shopping list and all the recipes, and I recommend it. It's designed for single girls, I think.

    The I read, took a walk in the fresh if noisy air, and came back to watch Leverage and work on Christmas presents.

    I have to be at church in mere minutes, so I guess I had better eat and dress and stuff like that. Pictures later.

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