July 29, 2008

  • 7 I didn't do the buttonholes last night, but I did make some jewelry.

    I had made some jewelry already, a month or two ago, and then a sad thing happened. I had all the earrings I had made,and also all the ones that I owned before I made any, in a compartmentalized box. I took it out when I was packing to go to the Big City last month, picked out a couple of pairs, and failed to put the box back.

    When I returned and unpacked, I couldn't find the box to put the earrings away.

    Fortunately, I still had a pair made by a local artisan jeweler, which I had just recently bought, but all the ones I had made are gone.

    Since they still haven't turned up, I decided to go ahead and make some more.

    I don't think you can actually see them in my pictures, but I enjoyed making them and I'll enjoy wearing them, too.

    I also went to the gym and did reasonable amounts of housework and cooking, so I'm 7feeling pretty good about my move toward a more balanced life.

    The Computer Guy and I have a tech workshop coming up next week in one of the schools. He's decided to use Google Sketchup , so I played with that a bit. This inspired me with a topic for my next blog post for the NSSEA. You might like to play with it yourself.

    I got the book audition sent in. I didn't feel that it was ready, but I could tell that it was one of those things that wasn't going to feel ready any time soon, so I just pushed the button. It's made with Adobe's InDesign, and I love that program. My 30 day free trial will be up any day now, and I am seriously going to miss it. I would like to use it to make some worksheets for the tech workshop, and indeed to lay out the state history books which I'm thinking I may have time to finalize while I'm on hiatus from Client #2. Unfortunately, after the trial period it costs $699, so I won't have that opportunity.

    Then, emboldened by your supportive words, I contacted xanga about the username change situation. We'll see whether they have anything to offer me or not. I was able to get one of my clients' webmasters to make a content change right away and just as I asked, which is a triumph. And I found that a local business which I reviewed back in the MyZip days is using my review, verbatim, as the content (including headline and description) on their web site. I will definitely write and tell them I'm glad it was useful and offer my services if they need any more content. I may even ask them if they'd allow me to list them on my client list at my forthcoming website.

    Apart from these fun things, I had a great linkbuilding festival. More of the same today, along with keyword development and blogging.

    Yep, never a dull moment.

Comments (3)

  • You should consider selling your homemade wares on etsy. I love delicate-looking dangly beaded earrings, and I have a feeling yours would sell like hotcakes over there.

  • @rampaige - 

    I appreciate your kind comment, but my jewelry isn't that well-made. I don't mind that -- no one's examining it close enough to see the flaws -- but I couldn't sell it. Maybe I'll get better over time.

    I'm working right now with someone who has an Etsy shop, and I find myself wondering whether anyone ever makes any money there. I haven't met anyone who does. I like Etsy, but their transaction fee is about twice what commercial outfits charge, and they just don't seem to get much in the way of sales. Not sure why.

  • @rampaige - Oops. That was me. I forget who I'm signed in as sometimes.

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