July 27, 2008

  •   7 #2 son came home from Governor's School in a state of advanced fatigue, and having learned a few things. Some had to do with political structures in developing countries, but the first thing he told me was that 17 year old girls know the words to Disney movies.

    I already knew this, of course.

    He has asked me not to look at his facebook, but I'm told that the pictures are cute.

    "It's not that we're not friends," he told me, explaining why he wouldn't befriend me at facebook. His big brother is also not my friend at facebook.

    I made him a pie anyway. We had peaches from a local orchard, and Cinnamon Sprinkles for the top, so it was nice even though I used ready-made crusts and slapped it all together in haste.

    I spent a couple of hours cleaning while waiting for him, and also continued my series of nightgown-like garments.7

    It's one thing to have a single nightgown-like top that you wear on days when you felt like staying in your jammies anyway. It's another to have a whole wardrobe of them. I am seriously thinking of performing surgery on this one and turning it into something else.

    While I have pretty much mostly determined to continue plying The Dark Art rather than returning to the hose and heels world -- after all, I did promise to save space on my calendar for Client #6 -- I have not absolutely completely decided to.

    #1 daughter is in a similar position. She hasn't entirely decided whether to stay here and go to school or to return to Cowboy Land and go to school there while working at her job there, which she loved and which she misses a lot.

    7 She said, "It looks easy to make these decisions from the outside." And indeed, our advisors are very confident about the decisions they are advising. I'm confident about her decision and she's confident about mine. We just aren't sure of our own.

    So I'm torn, as I sew up the remnants I gathered up at the fabric store's holiday sale, between making tops that I can wear while spending the whole day at the computer, and ones that will look good under a suit. I am ending up with nightgown-like shmattes instead, which is probably a warning about failing to make decisions.

    I also revived this shirt, which I started making a long time ago -- the last time I was the size I am now, in fact. Then it became too big for me and I didn't finish it. Now I' m doing the hems, and unless I completely mess up with the buttonholes, I'll have a nice tropical shirt.

    Though it is true that I haven't completely committed to self-employment, I am continuing to behave as though I had. I have therefore been working a bit on the blog which will be associated with my website, which the Computer Guy is making for me.

    So if you click on the button here, or the one that looks like it in my sidebar, you can go read some things about The Dark Art and web marketing generally. Otherwise, you can just be relieved that I'm not going to be writing about those things here any more, because they were boring.


    I do have to give you a little bit of a warning. First, if you go there, you will know my real name, which will just take away all the mystery of being xanga screen name friends.  Second, it's still under construction, and might change its looks without warning.


Comments (5)

  • Now, I keep wondering about getting a shirt already made up, but that sort of print, and then reducing it down to my size.  I love my Hawaiian shirt, but it's Dad-sized.

    And then I remember that a. I wear something underneath it at all times and b. sometimes fellow rugby team members lose their shirts and need something to wear on the tube home or be done for indecent exposure and since c. I am in loco parentis despite being their age (being employed by their place of study), maybe keeping it them-sized is a better plan.

    I may try the experiment next time I see one on sale for less than £5....


  • Hawaiian shirts.

    You know how I feel about Hawaiian shirts.

  • my oldest boy told me that whenever the cross country team had an out of town track meet, someone always brought a disney movie.  the only thing appropriate for all the kids (mormon kids included).

  • who cares about a name, what we really want to see is a face.  I know 20 year olds that know the words to Disney movies, I think it's a teen girl thing, or it could be because kids watch the same movie a zillion times and still enjoy watching them.

  • @illgrindmyownthankyou - Hey, I think I could sing all the songs!

    That's my face up in the corner, btw. It might not be enough information for you to recognize me on the street, but if you knew me already, you'd recognize the picture. Close enough?

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