August 25, 2007

  • I had this plan to catch up on my sleep last night so I could quit walking around like a zombie. It didn't happen. I went to bed early, but then a great cracking thunderstorm arose. I couldn't sleep through it, but it was pleasant to lie in bed listening to the rain for a while. I gave up at 5:00 and got up.

    Nevermind. Tomorrow is the beginning of the HGP. Master Chorale begins on Monday. The boys survived their first week back in school. I have a normal work schedule and once my car is drivable I'll get back to the gym and settle the second job question.

    # 2 daughter made the second cut on the big symphony job she applied for, and will be one of three being reinterviewed on Monday. This is a success for her, as far as I'm concerned, whether she gets the job or not.

    I am going today to the seasonal kick-off for Pampered Chef, because it might be interesting, even if I can't really imagine myself doing that as my second job.

    I must also get back to eating correctly, for the sake of my lipid profile. Not today, since I will be at the Pampered Chef affair through lunch and then must bake numerous lovely things for tomorrow's bridal shower. Not tomorrow, since I will be at the bridal shower in question.

    But Monday, saturated fats and simple carbohydrates will mostly disappear from my plate. I say mostly because I am not a vegetarian and I know that it is very hard to avoid simple carbohydrates completely.

    They sneak up on you from around corners.

Comments (3)

  • you are not the only one who has to focus on eating correctly. Go back to bed would you...

  • Wonderful news about #2 daughter!
    Wonderful thunderstorm, since it brought two full inches of rain with it and the electricity stayed on!
    I don't know what a lipid profile is, but I wish you luck with it, come Monday. [Note: I don't approve of avoiding simple carbohydrates completely, but then I'm somebody who doesn't know what a lipid profile is.]

  • simple addiction since I left the womb! I eat no refined sugar, makes grocery shopping a real reading pleasure.

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