May 31, 2005

  • It is our old friend Hopkins. Two months ago, with one sleeve left to go, I abandoned Hopkins for a T-shirt and a prayer shawl. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

    For future reference, it was not a good idea. I have misplaced the last skein of the yarn and am just trusting that it will turn up. I have forgotten what size needles I was using, or possibly my gauge has changed slightly in this warmer and more relaxed time of year, and I cannot match my previous gauge -- and since I sewed all the other pieces together, I cannot get accurate measurements to compare this sleeve with the completed one.

    I am forging ahead nonetheless. I have frogged once already, but am now past the colorwork. Here is Hopkins at an earlier stage of life, draped over a toy sheep, to refresh your memory. Hopkins is being made in Wool-Ease, on #3 needles at the moment, but who knows. The pattern is Siv from Viking Patterns for Knitting, and the colorwork is a combination of several different charts from Alice Starmore's The Celtic Collection.

    The boys have two days of exams and then will be through with school. There is talk of a trip to War Eagle Mill for the vacationers in the group. I am heading back to work. My husband is already nearly late for work. You can  wear white shoes now, if you like. (Except, I suppose, those in the Southern Hemisphere. They must have some other rule.)

Comments (6)

  • Sorry about the gauge problems. I had the same thing happen to me the other day switching from DPNs to a circular. Odd. I would have expected the circular to be snugger, but my stitched had to s-t-r-e-t-c-h more to get around the circular than they did the DPNs. I frogged but I was only about 3 inches in to the sleeve of a sweater at the BEGINNING of a project.

    This is for when you finish the JKJ. DH and I both loved it!

  • Just stopping by to say "Hi" and let you know that I tagged you. Please visit my blog dated May 31 for the questions. I hope you can play. You may have already been tagged before but it's all in good fun.

  • Yes, Jane Eyre is wonderful as is Wuthering Heights, which I may indeed start re-reading next.  I did a paper my senior year on wuthering heights because I enjoyed it so much.

  • Able to wear white shoes? I'm afraid that ones beyond me...

  • OK...right...cultural divide here...

    Why only allowed to wear white shoes at a certain time of the year? What happens if you break this rule?

    Over here, shoes are shoes. We wear them to keep our feet dry and warm if necessary. But we also tend to spend a lot of time in jandals - no socks and feet exposed to the weather - feet dry faster than do socks. I know of no rules concerning the use or non-use of shoes although I do remember my niece telling me about 8 years ago that (at that time) it was considered very uncool to wear gymshoes, sportsshoes, sneakers (whatever they are called) with jeans. That fashion rule is no longer in vogue from what I can tell.

  • Just to give you a little bit of an idea of my befuddlement about the white shoe issue - I was checking semester 1 marks in the office with another kiwi and I asked if she knew anything about when to wear or not to wear white shoes in the US (she's travelled all over the place). Her comment was something to the effect that I was being had on. I did say that I didn't think that was the case so we just agreed on the overall craziness of being American .( Tut, tut, cultural intolerance sighkey )

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